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What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that originated in China over two thousand years ago. This traditional Chinese medicine practice has gained popularity in Western medicine due to its natural healing properties. Twin Oaks Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Springfield, MO, often pairs acupuncture with chiropractic care to help patients feel their best again. Learn more about acupuncture and how it can benefit you below.

Understanding Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine believes the body has 12 principal meridians that connect to your organs. Your body contains qi, or energy, that passes through these meridians to keep the body functioning as intended. Disruptions in this flow can result in pain and illness. Acupuncture inserts thin, sterile needles at specific points along the meridians to improve energy flow. Doing this eases pain and enhances your overall well-being.

How Is Acupuncture Performed?

Our chiropractor begins by determining the underlying cause of your pain and discomfort. Once we identify the root of your ailment, our chiropractor may perform acupuncture to promote healing. Stainless steel needles will be placed in your skin at designated acupoints. Although this may sound painful, these needles are tiny and do not cause discomfort. The needles will remain in the skin for 10-30 minutes before removal. Patients can expect to experience pain relief, improved muscle relaxation, and stress reduction.

Pairing Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care

Acupuncture works well as a complementary treatment to chiropractic care. Both methods are holistic, meaning they treat the underlying cause of your condition rather than just treating the symptoms. Addressing imbalances in your body’s energy flow helps our chiropractor perform treatments like adjustments more effectively. Paring the two methods significantly enhances your pain relief, musculoskeletal function, and healing speed. Many patients also experience reduced stress and increased relaxation by combining acupuncture with chiropractic care.

Visit Your Chiropractor Near You in Springfield, MO, for Lasting Pain Relief

If you are struggling with pain and discomfort and need the help of a “chiropractor near you” for treatment, look no further than Twin Oaks Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Springfield, MO. We can combine acupuncture with chiropractic techniques to help you feel like yourself again. Call us and schedule a consultation today at (417) 882-1000 to get “chiropractic care near you” that makes a difference.


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