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Massage Therapy FAQs

Twin Oaks Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Springfield, MO Answers Massage Therapy FAQs

Twin Oaks Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Springfield, MO uses massage therapy along with spinal manipulation and musculoskeletal and pain management treatments. We answer questions frequently asked about receiving clinical massages.  

person undergoing massage therapy

What Exactly is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is a treatment that employs hand strokes, movements, and pressure for improving the condition of soft tissue, muscles, and nerves.

What Conditions Does Massage Therapy Treat?

Our Springfield chiropractic team employs personalized techniques that address your unique systems. For instance, the Swedish massage involves long gliding strokes, deep circular movements, vibrations or tapping. It provides relief from migraines, chronic back or neck pain, arthritis or tendonitis.

Deep tissue massages, which involves applying firm strokes across the muscle grain, also can provide relief of tendonitis. What is more, it targets muscles and connective tissues to relieve deep muscle soreness and arthritic swelling and pain.

Neuromuscular therapy also addresses underlying musculoskeletal and nervous system issues as pressure is applied to pain trigger points. It treats carpal tunnel, scoliosis, frozen shoulder, hip pain, sciatica and more. Myofascial release massages correct similar problems as the neuromuscular technique but work on the topmost musculoskeletal layer instead of the deepest one.

Lymphatic and hot stone massages can provide toxin releases and relaxation using light pressure. Combining lymphatic techniques with other massage movements can also alleviate prenatal back pain and improve circulation.

What Are The Benefits of Massage Therapy?

It provides pain relief without the use of medication, so a pregnant woman in labor could safely use it. In addition, it alleviates anxiety and depression and improves diabetic circulation, cancer patients and more.

How Effective is Massage Therapy?

New scientific evidence points toward massage therapy success. It works well as a standalone treatment used over several sessions or in conjunction with chiropractic care.

Contact Your Twin Oaks Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center in Springfield, MO for Treatment

We can provide relief using massage therapy. Call your Twin Oaks Chiropractic and Acupuncture center at (417) 882-1000 or communicate with us online to make an appointment. You can also visit us at our Springfield, MO office.


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